
Basic Usage

Basic usage is pretty straightforward and looks like this:

>>> from superscription import Superscription
>>> ss = Superscription("Marvin", "PainInMyDiodes")

You can also, pass in a token, instead of a password. In fact, it is recommended!

>>> ss = Superscription("Marvin", token="0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef")

Don’t worry, not passing either the password or the token will raise an AttributeError!

>>> ss = Superscription("ArthurDent")
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: You must initialize the object with either a password or a token! We recommend the token for security purposes, as does Superfeedr!

Modes? Methods!

Each Superfeedr hub.mode (subscribe, unsubscribe, list, display) is available as an object method of the Superscription class. All parameters accepted by Superfeedr can be declared as keyword arguments.

NOTE: The order of the parameters is the same as specified in the Superfeedr PuSH Webhooks documentation, in case you want to pass them as args rather than kwargs. Using keyword arguments is always recommended, though. :)

Paramters? Kwargs!

Any optional parameters allowed by the Superfeedr PuSH API can simply be passed as keyword arguments for each of the corresponding method calls. To construct the keyword argument corresponding to a parameter, replace the dot (.) in the parameter name, with an underscore (_).

For instance, hub.secret corresponds to hub_secret:

>>> ss = Superscription("demo", token="demo")
>>> result = ss.subscribe(hub_topic='', hub_callback="http://my.callback.tld/callback/", hub_verify="sync", hub_secret="RandomHubSecretGoesHere")
>>> print result

Parameters without a ‘.’ in their name correspond to keyword arguments with the same name. for instance, page can be passed as page itself:

>>> result = ss.list(hub_callback="http://my.callback.tld/callback/", page="1")
>>> print result
>>> ss.response.status_code

...except for the parameter format which corrresponds to the keyword argument fmt. This has been done deliberately, to avoid any potential confusion/problems with the str.format() method/call.

Available methods

All methods return a boolean True or False depending on whether the subscription was successfully performed using Superfeedr or ran into problems.

Potential problems have been documented (to some extent) in the section Errors & Warnings.


The .subscribe() method takes TWO mandatory arguments, hub_topic & hub_callback:

>>> result = ss.subscribe('', "http://my.domain.tld/callback/")
>>> print result
>>> ss.response.status_code


The .unsubscribe() method takes ONE mandatory argument, hub_topic:

>>> result = ss.unsubscribe(hub_topic='')
>>> print result
>>> ss.response.status_code

If you have multiple subscriptions for the same hub_topic but each one is associated with a different hub_callback, you will have to call the method each time for each (of the) callback(s) for which you want to unsubscribe.


The .list() method takes ONE mandatory argument, hub_callback:

>>> result = ss.list(hub_callback='http://my.domain.tld/callback')
>>> print result
>>> ss.response.status_code
>>> ss.response.json()
[{u'subscription': {u'feed': {u'url': u'', u'title': u'Publisher example'}, u'secret': None, u'endpoint': u'http://my.domain.tld/callback', u'format': u'json'}}]


The .retrieve() method takes ONE mandatory argument, hub_topic:

>>> result = ss.retrieve(hub_topic='http://push-pub.appspot,com/feed')
>>> print result
>>> ss.response.status_code
>>> data = ss.response.json()
>>> data.keys()
[u'status', u'items', u'title']


The response from Superfeedr is the standard Response object returned by the `requests module and is saved as an attribute on the superscription object itself:

>>> result = ss.subscribe('', "http://my.domain.tld/callback/")
>>> print ss.response
<Response [204]>

Do note that the ‘response’ attribute is available on ss & not result.

>>> type(ss.response)
>>> ss.response.status_code
>>> ss.response.content
>>> ss.response.text

Errors and Warnings

If the Superfeedr request runs into problems, or is generally unsuccessful for some reason, the execution is stopped by raising the corresponding error.

Arguments with None values are discarded and a RuntimeWarning is displayed before the API endpoint request is made:

>>> result = ss.subscribe("", "http://my.domain.tld/callback", hub_secret=None, hub_verify=None)
RuntimeWarning: Extra arguments passed in function call: hub_secret, hub_verify

Not passing in the mandatory arguments raises the standard TypeError:

>>> result = ss.subscribe('')
TypeError: subscribe() takes at least 3 arguments (2 given)

URLs for hub_topic and hub_callback must be fully-qualified URIs, with a minimum of scheme and hostname, else you’ll get an AttributeError on the first of them to be caught:

>>> ss.subscribe("http://google", "my.domain.tld/callback")
AttributeError: http://google - URL is not fully-qualified!